So, here we are!
Posted by Chel on 22nd Nov 2016
As most of you can attest, this has been a long awaited discussion. As I will attest, this has been the biggest thorn in my side, hardest integration and the most feet dragging accomplishment of mine to date!
As you know, or will soon know - we all wear many hats at the shop! Mainly the one that ensures our customers and fellow players are well taken care of. Unfortunately, we are not as tech/social media savvy as a lot of the other stores because we focus our attention on providing the best service, repairs, upgrades and builds we can and sadly - our social media focus is somewhat abandoned. Aside from the occasional "OOOHHH look what we just got in" or the "Man, check this out" moments, we are the chickens with that proverbial heads cut off situation!
We look forward to continuing to build our brand and continue growing our friend base! We look forward to growing the HERD!
I appreciate the patience that has been given me - despite it being 4 years...... <3